Job Description
Kern doel van die pos: Heavy Vehicle Driver
Produk veilig te hanteer en op die mees ekonomiese manier by die korrekte punt af te lewer.
Minimum Vereistes: Heavy Vehicle Driver
- Graad 10;
- Kode 14 met PDP;
- 2-3 jaar ondervinding.
- Goeie kommunikasie- en taalvaardighede in Afrikaans en Engels;
- Vermoë om vir lang periodes op die pad te konsentreer;
Handle product safely and deliver it to the correct point in the most economical way.
Minimum Requirements:
- Grade 10;
- Code 14 with PDP;
- 2-3 year experience.
Skills: Heavy Vehicle Driver
- Good communication and language skills in Afrikaans and English;
- Ability to concentrate on the road for long periods;
- Concentration with respect to the correct loading and downloading of products;
- Physical ability to do the job;
- Good human relations.
Responsibilities: Heavy Vehicle Driver
- Delivery of the correct product at the correct destination;
- Compliance with Legislation and standing regulations;
- Administer documentation;
- Safe handling of equipment;
- Ensure customer satisfaction.
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