Section Ranger X3

Section Ranger X3

The following positions exist for a Section Ranger under Ranger Services within Kruger National Park.

  1. PUNDA MARIA SECTION reporting to the Regional Ranger: Nxanatseni North
  2. VLAKTEPLAAS SECTION reporting to the Regional Ranger: Nxanatseni North
  3. MALELANE SECTION reporting to the Regional Ranger: Marula South


Kruger National Park


  • National Diploma in Nature Conservation or a related field.
  • At least 4 – 6 years experience in a Supervisory function in Conservation Management in a Protected Area. Previous experience as a Field Ranger Sergeant will be advantageous.
  • Minimum of 3 – 5 years practical Conservation Management experience related to artificial water provision management, fire management, knowledge of invasive species (alien fauna and flora), dealing with dangerous game, problem animal control, veld condition assessments, animal disease monitoring, wildlife capture & handling and firearm handling, and management.
  • Firearm handling qualifications, competencies, and experience in self-loading rifles and manually operated rifles (proof of competencies must be included in the application).
  • Valid Code 08 (B) driver’s license.


  • Previous experience in participating, coordinating, conducting, and leading anti-poaching operations with special emphasis on Rhino and or Elephant poaching, snaring, and poisoning incidents.
  • Experience in constituency building related to establishing productive and beneficial relationships with Communities and relevant internal, external, and sister departments and entities.
  • Experience in dealing with dangerous game (through lethal control with applicable firearms) and implementing problem animal control protocols.
  • Experience in active veld fire management.
  • Must be designated as an Environmental Management Inspector (Grade 2 Designation) within a stipulated period.


  • A genuine interest in and deep understanding of environmental issues, relevant legislation, and best practices within a Protected Area;
  • Excellent communication skills (verbal and written);
  • Good Leadership and the ability to motivate and lead all Section employees;
  • Good organizational and time management skills;
  • Problem-solving and conflict-resolution experience;
  • High levels of discipline, accountability, and integrity;
  • Spend extended periods of time in the veld and be prepared to deploy and camp when required.


  • Leadership: Promote the highest standards of Environmental Management practices and responsible Tourism. Establish systems and procedures to ensure high standards of ethics and behaviour among Rangers in the Section.
  • Section Management: Management and oversight of the Sections infrastructure (Ranger accommodation), roads, firebreaks, fences where applicable (exclosures and breeding camps), servicing and maintenance of equipment, maintenance and management of artificial water points and equipment to ensure the reliable provision of water, control burns and deployment of Rangers to achieve Conservation and Law Enforcement goals.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Implement all Conservation Management actions in the Section in line with SANParks and KNP policies and plans. This includes, but is not limited to, Problem Animal Control and dealing with Dangerous Game.
  • Law Enforcement: Monitoring and enforcement of applicable National Laws and SANParks and KNP policies, regulations, and rules. Ensure effective patrolling for maximum area coverage and execute Law Enforcement operations, through deployments, observation posts, and camping deployments.
  • Administration: Meticulous reporting and administration of all activities for the Section. Ensure Law Enforcement reporting takes place accurately and timeously as necessary (CMore/ Cyber Tracker/ Sitreps/ Real Time/ Mike Reports/ Monthly Reports etc.).
  • Compliance and Safety: Ensure compliance with all relevant policies and legislation related to Environmental Monitoring and Law Enforcement in the Section.
  • People Management: Manage the human capital of the Section through re-training (maintenance of Field Ranger skills), discipline and conflict resolution, mentoring, and coaching. Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and building loyal, productive, and motivated teams.

Please Note

The remuneration package includes an all-inclusive cost to company salary, pitched at Grade D1 Paterson Scale. The allowances and benefits are as specified in the HR Tariff Document and Conditions of Services of SANParks.

Applications not responded to within 14 days of the closing date must be considered unsuccessful.


R 523,828.22- R810,213.57

Paterson Grade


How To Apply

Interested candidates who meet the above requirements should forward their applications accompanied by the required documentation listed below to the following:

Documents Required

Interested persons who meet the above-stated minimum qualification and experience MUST forward their application lettersdetailed Curriculum Vitae including references, and certified copies of their qualifications to the following address:

Kruger National Park

Human Capital Management

Attention:  Pumza Zici

Private Bag X402



Tel No: (013) 735-4204


Applicants in possession of foreign qualifications are to submit evaluated results by the South African Qualification Authority.

Closing Date

18 February 2025

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